Jose Andres

born on 23.02.2002, Ecuador
TaekwondoData Person-ID: 32103Y




  • 15 registered fights, fighter won 8 out of them. That's a rate of 53.3%
  • 148 hitpoints distributed and 134 collected during fights.
  • Won 0 golden point(s) and lost 0.
  • Participated at 9 tournaments, 9 with international and 0 with national valuation.

* These data may not be used to assessing an athlete, as the level of the tournament (national / international, etc.) is not considered. Calculated on the basis of all available data.

Career Ranking

livetime ranking of all international fighters
Jose Andres is on place 4.656 with 60 points.

Saison Ranking

Ranking calculated: 06.12.2024 01:39:55

Categorie Weightclass Ranking Points
senior male -74 0.750
senior male -80 1.875
senior male -87 1.500
senior male +87 0.375
youth male -73 0.446
youth male -78 0.890
youth male +78 0.446
cadets male -57 0.012
cadets male -61 0.031
cadets male -65 0.026
cadets male +65 0.007

Medal count

gold silver bronze PAR
World Championships 2 2
Olympic Games qualification World 1 1
Continental Tournaments 1 1 2 4
Open Tournaments 2 2


Results international

result year tournament city weight category
PAR 2015 World Championships Muju -61 cadets international 5.00 2
bronze 3. 2015 Pan American Championships Aguascalientes -61 cadets international 5.00 0
gold 1. 2016 WT Presidents Cup - Pan Am Portland, Oregon -65 cadets international 3.50 0
PAR 2018 Olympic Games qualification World Hammamet +73 youth international 3.00 0
PAR 2018 World Championships Hammamet -78 youth international 5.00 0
gold 1. 2019 Pan American Championships Portland, Oregon -78 youth international 15.00 6
gold 1. 2019 Pan Am Open Portland, Oregon -78 youth international 3.50 0
PAR 2021 Pan Am Games Cali Valle (U21) +80 senior international 6.00 0
PAR 2022 Pan American Championships Punta Cana -80 senior international 6.00 0

Rivals and results

Rivals and results international

winner points looser


World Championships, Muju
-61 cadets
1/16-Finale BENITES MEDINA, Jose Andres 16 : 8 BEREI, Bela
1/08-Finale BALTABAYEV, Yelaman 10 : 5 BENITES MEDINA, Jose Andres
Pan American Championships, Aguascalientes
-61 cadets
1/02-Finale LETONA, Bryan Ivan 8 : 3 BENITES MEDINA, Jose Andres


WT Presidents Cup - Pan Am, Portland, Oregon
-65 cadets
1/02-Finale BENITES MEDINA, Jose Andres unknown DICKIE, Aidan
1/01-Finale BENITES MEDINA, Jose Andres unknown DAY, Zak


Olympic Games qualification World, Hammamet
+73 youth
1/08-Finale PILIPOVIC, Milos 30 : 16 BENITES MEDINA, Jose Andres
World Championships, Hammamet
-78 youth
1/08-Finale LIM, Jin-Hong 31 : 19 BENITES MEDINA, Jose Andres


Pan American Championships, Portland, Oregon
-78 youth
1/08-Finale BENITES MEDINA, Jose Andres 22 : 1 CHUNG, Irie
1/04-Finale BENITES MEDINA, Jose Andres 18 : 12 KIM, Julian
1/01-Finale BENITES MEDINA, Jose Andres unknown LUZ da SILVA, Matheus Gabriel
Pan Am Open, Portland, Oregon
-78 youth
1/02-Finale BENITES MEDINA, Jose Andres 12 : 5 CORNEJO SALVADOR, Anderson
1/01-Finale BENITES MEDINA, Jose Andres 26 : 6 DORRANCE, Azariah


Pan Am Games , Cali Valle (U21)
+80 senior
3rd place Fight PEREIRA CARDOSA, Patrik 13 : 2 BENITES MEDINA, Jose Andres
1/04-Finale PARKER, Dallas 10 : 9 BENITES MEDINA, Jose Andres


Pan American Championships, Punta Cana
-80 senior
1/08-Finale RODRIGUES FERNANDES, Henrique Marques unknown BENITES MEDINA, Jose Andres

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