Luis Erasmo

TaekwondoData Person-ID: 28932A




  • 20 registered fights, fighter won 13 out of them. That's a rate of 65.0%
  • 162 hitpoints distributed and 110 collected during fights.
  • Won 0 golden point(s) and lost 0.
  • Participated at 9 tournaments, 9 with international and 0 with national valuation.

* These data may not be used to assessing an athlete, as the level of the tournament (national / international, etc.) is not considered. Calculated on the basis of all available data.


Career Ranking

livetime ranking of all international fighters
Luis Erasmo is on place 3.528 with 79 points.

Saison Ranking

Ranking calculated: 15.01.2025 18:51:20

Categorie Weightclass Ranking Points
youth male -55 0.017
youth male -59 0.031
youth male -63 0.017
cadets male -53 0.015
cadets male -57 0.038
cadets male -61 0.033
cadets male -65 0.010

Medal count

gold silver bronze PAR
World Championships 1 1 1 3
Continental Tournaments 1 1
Open Tournaments 2 3 5


Results international

result year tournament city weight category
silver 2. 2014 World Championships Baku -61 cadets international 25.00 6
gold 1. 2015 Mexico Open Aguascalientes -61 cadets international 3.50 0
silver 2. 2015 Austrian Open Innsbruck -57 cadets international 2.50 0
bronze 3. 2015 World Championships Muju -57 cadets international 15.00 4
bronze 3. 2015 Pan American Championships Aguascalientes -57 cadets international 5.00 2
silver 2. 2016 Mexico Open Aguascalientes -59 youth international 2.50 0
gold 1. 2016 Pan Am Open Queretaro -59 youth international 3.50 0
silver 2. 2016 Polish Open Warsaw -59 youth international 2.50 0
PAR 2016 World Championships Burnaby -59 youth international 5.00 2

Rivals and results

Rivals and results international

winner points looser


World Championships, Baku
-61 cadets
Trainer / Coaches:
SALAZAR BLANCO, Oscar (Headcoach)
1/08-Finale OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo 8 : 5 HUSEYNOV, Ikram
1/04-Finale OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo 10 : 9 SMIRNOV, Nikita
1/02-Finale OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo 10 : 7 GONZALEZ GARCIA, Javier
1/01-Finale KHAZAEIPOOL, Mehrdad 4 : 3 OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo


Mexico Open, Aguascalientes
-61 cadets
1/01-Finale OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo unknown VIDAL, Roberto
Austrian Open, Innsbruck
-57 cadets
1/02-Finale OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo 6 : 3 TOULLAN, Alex
1/01-Finale WOJTKOWIAK, Adrian 13 : 12 OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo
World Championships, Muju
-57 cadets
1/08-Finale OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo 19 : 2 NETHERSOLE, Gabriel
1/04-Finale OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo 17 : 6 ROBINSON, Ethan
1/02-Finale MORADI, Erfan 17 : 9 OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo
Pan American Championships, Aguascalientes
-57 cadets
1/04-Finale OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo 18 : 11 DIAZ PEKSA, Lautaro Ezequiel
1/02-Finale MARAN, Wesley 3 : 1 OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo


Mexico Open, Aguascalientes
-59 youth
1/02-Finale OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo 7 : 1 GODINEZ CARRANZA, Rudy
1/01-Finale SOLIS ORTIZ, Alfonso 4 : 2 OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo
Pan Am Open, Queretaro
-59 youth
1/02-Finale OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo 7 : 5 SOLIS ORTIZ, Alfonso
1/01-Finale OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo 8 : 2 GONZALEZ MIRAMONTES, David
Polish Open, Warsaw
-59 youth
1/02-Finale OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo 4 : 3 POTASHEV, Ilia
1/01-Finale PLALIS, Stergios 8 : 6 OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo
World Championships, Burnaby
-59 youth
Trainer / Coaches:
ALVAREZ, Julio (coach)
JIN, Dong-Hwan (Assistantcoach)
1/32-Finale OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo 15 : 3 GANBAT, Tuvshin
1/16-Finale RECBER, Hakan 4 : 0 OSORIO RIVERON, Luis Erasmo

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