
born on 21.12.1959, Germany
TaekwondoData Person-ID: 5503Y




  • 5 registered fights, fighter won 2 out of them. That's a rate of 40.0%
  • 0 hitpoints distributed and 0 collected during fights.
  • Won 0 golden point(s) and lost 0.
  • Participated at 6 tournaments, 4 with international and 2 with national valuation.

* These data may not be used to assessing an athlete, as the level of the tournament (national / international, etc.) is not considered. Calculated on the basis of all available data.

Career Ranking

livetime ranking of all international fighters
Mustafa is on place 12.622 with 20 points.

Saison Ranking

Ranking calculated: 15.01.2025 18:51:20

Mustafa does not have any season ranking points.

Medal count

gold silver bronze PAR
German Championships 1 1 2
Open Tournaments 1 2 1 4


Results international

result year tournament city weight category
silver 2. 1982 German Open Frankfurt -73 senior international 5.00 0
gold 1. 1983 German Open Köln -73 senior international 7.00 0
bronze 3. 1987 Dutch Open Netherland -76 senior international 3.00 0
silver 2. 1991 Dutch Open Masstricht -83 senior international 5.00 0

Results national

result year tournament city weight category
gold 1. 1977 German Championships Letmathe -68 youth 0.00 0
silver 2. 1980 German Championships Pforzheim -73 senior 0.00 0

Rivals and results

Rivals and results international

winner points looser


German Open, Frankfurt
-73 senior
1/01-Finale GÄRTNER, Helmut unknown PESTANLI, Mustafa


German Open, Köln
-73 senior
1/01-Finale PESTANLI, Mustafa unknown KRAUTZ, Joachim


Dutch Open, Masstricht
-83 senior
1/01-Finale VERWAIJ, Leendert unknown PESTANLI, Mustafa

Rivals and results national

winner points looser


German Championships, Letmathe
-68 youth
1/01-Finale PESTANLI, Mustafa unknown UDAJANA, Andreasa


German Championships, Pforzheim
-73 senior
1/01-Finale GÄRTNER, Helmut unknown PESTANLI, Mustafa

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