Jose Luis

born on 14.10.1973, Spain
TaekwondoData Person-ID: 5667N




  • 15 registered fights, fighter won 9 out of them. That's a rate of 60.0%
  • 9 hitpoints distributed and 5 collected during fights.
  • Won 0 golden point(s) and lost 0.
  • Participated at 9 tournaments, 9 with international and 0 with national valuation.

* These data may not be used to assessing an athlete, as the level of the tournament (national / international, etc.) is not considered. Calculated on the basis of all available data.

Career Ranking

livetime ranking of all international fighters
Jose Luis is on place 2.217 with 118 points.

Saison Ranking

Ranking calculated: 12.09.2024 12:53:39

Jose Luis does not have any season ranking points.

Medal count

gold silver bronze PAR
World Championships 2 2
World Cup 2 1 3
Student World Championships 1 1
Continental Tournaments 2 2
Open Tournaments 1 1


Results international

result year tournament city weight category
bronze 3. 1988 European Championships Ankara -45 youth international 5.00 0
gold 1. 1994 Belgian Open Herentals -54 senior international 7.00 0
bronze 3. 1994 European Championships Zagreb -54 senior international 10.00 0
PAR 1995 World Championships Manila -54 senior international 10.00 5
bronze 3. 1996 World Cup Rio de Janeiro -54 senior international 20.00 6
PAR 1997 World Cup Cairo -54 senior international 7.00 3
PAR 1997 World Championships Hongkong -54 senior international 10.00 0
bronze 3. 1998 World Cup Sindelfingen -54 senior international 20.00 9
bronze 3. 1998 Student World Championships Manzanillo -54 senior international 5.00 1

Rivals and results

Rivals and results international

winner points looser


Belgian Open, Herentals
-54 senior
1/01-Finale PRIETO, Jose Luis unknown HAIDER, Abror
European Championships, Zagreb
-54 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
FARGAS, Ireno (Headcoach)
SOLIS, Juan (coach)
1/02-Finale ATES, Aydin 1 : 1 PRIETO, Jose Luis


World Championships, Manila
-54 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
FARGAS, Ireno (Headcoach)
1/16-Finale PRIETO, Jose Luis unknown ABRATIQUE, Rodolfo
1/08-Finale SEKKAT, Younes unknown PRIETO, Jose Luis


World Cup, Rio de Janeiro
-54 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
FARGAS, Ireno (Headcoach)
1/08-Finale PRIETO, Jose Luis unknown NOLAN, Eamon
1/04-Finale PRIETO, Jose Luis unknown YAMAGUTI, Andre
1/02-Finale MABROUK, Talaat unknown PRIETO, Jose Luis


World Cup, Cairo
-54 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
FARGAS, Ireno (Headcoach)
SOLIS, Juan (coach)
1/08-Finale PRIETO, Jose Luis 4 : 1 LADIGES, Pracha
1/04-Finale CHOI, Man-Yong unknown PRIETO, Jose Luis


World Cup, Sindelfingen
-54 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
FARGAS, Ireno (Headcoach)
SOLIS, Juan (coach)
1/16-Finale PRIETO, Jose Luis unknown KELLY, Geoff
1/08-Finale PRIETO, Jose Luis unknown LARRONDO, Maikel
1/04-Finale PRIETO, Jose Luis unknown GIROLAMO di, Andrea
1/02-Finale CHIN, Seung-Tae unknown PRIETO, Jose Luis
Student World Championships, Manzanillo
-54 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
SOLIS, Juan (Headcoach)
MESA de la, Rafael (coach)
1/04-Finale PRIETO, Jose Luis 4 : 1 MONTALVO, David
1/02-Finale AYALA YEE, Carlos 2 : 0 PRIETO, Jose Luis

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