
born on 16.03.1980, United States of America
TaekwondoData Person-ID: 578S

United States of America



  • 29 registered fights, fighter won 21 out of them. That's a rate of 72.4%
  • 96 hitpoints distributed and 76 collected during fights.
  • Won 0 golden point(s) and lost 0.
  • Participated at 12 tournaments, 12 with international and 0 with national valuation.

* These data may not be used to assessing an athlete, as the level of the tournament (national / international, etc.) is not considered. Calculated on the basis of all available data.


Career Ranking

livetime ranking of all international fighters
David is on place 2.308 with 114 points.

Saison Ranking

Ranking calculated: 12.09.2024 12:53:39

David does not have any season ranking points.

Medal count

gold silver bronze PAR
World Championships 2 2
Military World Championships 2 2 1 5
Military World Games 1 1
Open Tournaments 2 2 4


Results international

result year tournament city weight category
bronze 3. 1996 US Open Colorado Springs -59 youth international 1.50 0
PAR 1996 World Championships Barcelona -56 youth international 5.00 2
silver 2. 1997 US Open Colorado Springs -54 senior international 5.00 0
bronze 3. 1998 Belgian Open Belgian -62 senior international 3.00 0
PAR 1999 Military World Games Karlovac -67 senior international 0.00 0
bronze 3. 2000 Military World Championships Seoul -67 senior international 5.00 2
silver 2. 2001 Military World Championships Woensdrecht -67 senior international 10.00 3
gold 1. 2002 Military World Championships Fort Hood, Texas -67 senior international 15.00 4
silver 2. 2004 Military World Championships Warendorf -72 senior international 10.00 3
silver 2. 2006 German Open Bonn -72 senior international 5.00 0
PAR 2007 World Championships Peking -72 senior international 10.00 10
gold 1. 2008 Military World Championships Seoul -78 senior international 15.00 5

Rivals and results

Rivals and results international

winner points looser


World Championships, Barcelona
-56 youth
1/16-Finale BARTLETT, David unknown PEREIRA, Hugo
1/08-Finale VO, Ludovic unknown BARTLETT, David


US Open, Colorado Springs
-54 senior
1/01-Finale TORRES, Jason unknown BARTLETT, David


Military World Games, Karlovac
-67 senior
1/08-Finale GÜNES, Özgür 5 : 2 BARTLETT, David


Military World Championships, Seoul
-67 senior
1/08-Finale BARTLETT, David 1 : 0 BALILIS, Athanasios
1/04-Finale BARTLETT, David 1 : 0 AZARM, Mehdi
1/02-Finale KIM, In-Dong 3 : 0 BARTLETT, David


Military World Championships, Woensdrecht
-67 senior
1/08-Finale BARTLETT, David unknown TOMASIC, Zeljko
1/04-Finale BARTLETT, David unknown CAPONERA, Alessandro
1/02-Finale BARTLETT, David unknown DZITIEV, Aslanbek
1/01-Finale BEKKERS, Dennis 3 : 3 BARTLETT, David


Military World Championships, Fort Hood, Texas
-67 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
EVANS, Elizabeth (Assistantcoach)
KIM, Bong-Seok (Headcoach)
LEE, Hyun-Suk (coach)
BARE, Anthony (Assistantcoach)
1/08-Finale BARTLETT, David 8 : 7 AYLANC, Erdal
1/04-Finale BARTLETT, David 5 : 2 AL-NAJAR, Ali
1/02-Finale BARTLETT, David 6 : 5 DZITIEV, Aslanbek
1/01-Finale BARTLETT, David 2 : 2 LEE, Dong-Chul


Military World Championships, Warendorf
-72 senior
1/08-Finale BARTLETT, David 8 : 4 ABDELGHAFOUR, Othman
1/04-Finale BARTLETT, David 7 : 2 GARWASH, Fathi
1/02-Finale BARTLETT, David 7 : 4 DING, He
1/01-Finale AKOEV, Alan unknown BARTLETT, David


German Open, Bonn
-72 senior
1/02-Finale BARTLETT, David unknown MOLLET, Tommy
1/01-Finale CRISMANICH, Sebastian 5 : 1 BARTLETT, David


World Championships, Peking
-72 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
MORENO, Juan Miguel (Headcoach)
1/16-Finale BARTLETT, David 13 : 12 CARREGAL LAMOSO, Jose Antonio
1/08-Finale BARTLETT, David 4 : 3 NIIMI, Takahiro
1/04-Finale BAHAVE, Nesar Ahmad 10 : 9 BARTLETT, David


Military World Championships, Seoul
-78 senior
1/16-Finale BARTLETT, David 5 : 4 LEE, Seung-Yong
1/08-Finale BARTLETT, David 6 : -1 EVAGOROU, Konstantinos
1/04-Finale BARTLETT, David 6 : 5 OSMANOV, Avet
1/02-Finale BARTLETT, David 2 : 1 PAPAGGELIS, Nikolaos
1/01-Finale BARTLETT, David unknown MOLFETTA, Carlo

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