
TaekwondoData Person-ID: 24770Z
110.0 Coach Ranking Points


Top 10 Coaching Results

1991 World Cup, Zagreb silver 2. BOYALI, Ekrem male -58 senior Headcoach
1991 World Cup, Zagreb bronze 3. YERLISU, Bekir male -64 senior Headcoach
1991 World Cup, Zagreb PAR KITAY, Oguz male -54 senior Headcoach
1991 World Cup, Zagreb PAR BABAT, Memduh male -50 senior Headcoach
1991 World Cup, Zagreb PAR GÖNÜLRAZI, Sinan male -70 senior Headcoach
1991 World Cup, Zagreb PAR SAHIN, Ali male +83 senior Headcoach
1991 World Cup, Zagreb PAR YILERI, Ramazan male -76 senior Headcoach
1991 World Cup, Zagreb PAR BOYALI, Ramazan male -83 senior Headcoach

Medal count

gold silver bronze PAR
World Cup 1 1 6 8


1991 World Cup Zagreb Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Show details

All Coaching Results


World Cup, Zagreb, Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro coaching points
silver 2. BOYALI, Ekrem male senior -58 Headcoach 39.00
bronze 3. YERLISU, Bekir male senior -64 Headcoach 26.00
PAR BOYALI, Ramazan male senior -83 Headcoach 7.00
PAR KITAY, Oguz male senior -54 Headcoach 10.00
PAR GÖNÜLRAZI, Sinan male senior -70 Headcoach 7.00
PAR YILERI, Ramazan male senior -76 Headcoach 7.00
PAR SAHIN, Ali male senior +83 Headcoach 7.00
PAR BABAT, Memduh male senior -50 Headcoach 7.00

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