
born on 09.01.1995, United Kingdom of Great Britai
TaekwondoData Person-ID: 16618Y

United Kingdom of Great Britai



  • 22 registered fights, fighter won 13 out of them. That's a rate of 59.1%
  • 129 hitpoints distributed and 102 collected during fights.
  • Won 2 golden point(s) and lost 2.
  • Participated at 10 tournaments, 10 with international and 0 with national valuation.

* These data may not be used to assessing an athlete, as the level of the tournament (national / international, etc.) is not considered. Calculated on the basis of all available data.

Career Ranking

livetime ranking of all international fighters
Amin is on place 4.635 with 59 points.

Saison Ranking

Ranking calculated: 12.09.2024 12:53:39

Categorie Weightclass Ranking Points
senior male -54 0.004
senior male -58 0.002
youth male -51 0.001
youth male -55 0.003
youth male -59 0.002
youth male -63 0.001

Medal count

gold silver bronze PAR
World Championships 1 1
Continental Tournaments 2 2 4
Open Tournaments 1 1 3 5


Results international

result year tournament city weight category
PAR 2007 European Championships Budapest -45 cadets international 3.00 2
bronze 3. 2009 Dutch Open Eindhoven -51 youth international 1.50 0
gold 1. 2009 Belgian Open Herentals -51 youth international 3.50 0
bronze 3. 2009 European Championships Zagreb -49 cadets international 5.00 6
bronze 3. 2009 British Open Manchester -51 youth international 1.50 0
silver 2. 2010 British Open Manchester -55 youth international 2.50 0
PAR 2011 European Championships Pafos -59 youth international 3.00 4
bronze 3. 2012 Trelleborg Open Trelleborg -55 youth international 1.50 0
PAR 2012 World Championships Sharm El-Sheikh -55 youth international 5.00 4
bronze 3. 2012 European Championships Manchester -54 senior international 10.00 6

Rivals and results

Rivals and results international

winner points looser


European Championships, Budapest
-45 cadets
1/16-Finale BADR, Amin 7 : 0 VASIC, Jelenko
1/08-Finale CORREIA LOPES, Claudio 3 : 2 BADR, Amin


Dutch Open, Eindhoven
-51 youth
1/02-Finale GOLUBOVIC, Milos 1 : 0 BADR, Amin
Belgian Open, Herentals
-51 youth
1/02-Finale BADR, Amin 5 : 3 LE DUC, Jeffrey
1/01-Finale BADR, Amin 4 : 3 PARYS, Wouter
European Championships, Zagreb
-49 cadets
1/16-Finale BADR, Amin 8 : 0 RUIZ AMBATLLE, Boris
1/08-Finale BADR, Amin 7 : 1 McCONNELL, Colin
1/04-Finale BADR, Amin 1 : 0 BELAUSAU, Mikita
1/02-Finale ATIAS, Ron 12 : 6 BADR, Amin
British Open, Manchester
-51 youth
1/02-Finale SZEKELY, Norbert 7 : 6 BADR, Amin


British Open, Manchester
-55 youth
1/02-Finale BADR, Amin 10 : 0 BIGNALL, Jordan
1/01-Finale SABATIER, Jordan 5 : 4 BADR, Amin


European Championships, Pafos
-59 youth
1/16-Finale BADR, Amin 10 : 7 PAZDERNIK, Filip
1/08-Finale BADR, Amin 5 : 4 PRAGALOS, Christos
1/04-Finale SABATIER, Jordan 7 : 5 BADR, Amin


Trelleborg Open, Trelleborg
-55 youth
1/02-Finale PORRAS REYES, Edgar Al 1 : 0 BADR, Amin
World Championships, Sharm El-Sheikh
-55 youth
1/32-Finale BADR, Amin 10 : 8 ADEL, Mohamed
1/16-Finale BADR, Amin 6 : 3 TAGHIZADE, Aykhan
1/08-Finale PORCARO, Marcello 9 : 7 BADR, Amin
European Championships, Manchester
-54 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
SALM, Peter (coach)
1/08-Finale BADR, Amin 9 : 8 GLADOVIC, Milos
1/04-Finale BADR, Amin 8 : 5 AGHAJANYAN, Varag
1/02-Finale ALIYEV, Mikayil 15 : 9 BADR, Amin

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