
TaekwondoData Person-ID: 27188E
180.0 Coach Ranking Points


Top 10 Coaching Results

1991 World Cup, Zagreb gold 1. AL-ZOUBI, Mohammed male -54 senior Headcoach
1991 World Cup, Zagreb bronze 3. ABU-ZAID, Yousef male -70 senior Headcoach
1991 World Cup, Zagreb bronze 3. MAKKI, Hussein Ali male -58 senior Headcoach
1991 World Cup, Zagreb bronze 3. NWAISER, Tawfiq male +83 senior Headcoach
1991 World Cup, Zagreb bronze 3. SBEIHI, Ammar male -83 senior Headcoach
1991 World Cup, Zagreb PAR ABU-ZAID, Ibrahim male -76 senior Headcoach
1991 World Cup, Zagreb PAR AL-HALWANI, Nabil male -50 senior Headcoach
1991 World Cup, Zagreb PAR AL-ASSAF, Mohammad male -64 senior Headcoach

Medal count

gold silver bronze PAR
World Cup 1 4 3 8


1991 World Cup Zagreb Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Show details

All Coaching Results


World Cup, Zagreb, Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro coaching points
gold 1. AL-ZOUBI, Mohammed male senior -54 Headcoach 52.00
bronze 3. MAKKI, Hussein Ali male senior -58 Headcoach 26.00
bronze 3. NWAISER, Tawfiq male senior +83 Headcoach 26.00
bronze 3. ABU-ZAID, Yousef male senior -70 Headcoach 26.00
bronze 3. SBEIHI, Ammar male senior -83 Headcoach 26.00
PAR AL-HALWANI, Nabil male senior -50 Headcoach 7.00
PAR AL-ASSAF, Mohammad male senior -64 Headcoach 7.00
PAR ABU-ZAID, Ibrahim male senior -76 Headcoach 10.00

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