
born on 26.01.1971, Korea
TaekwondoData Person-ID: 4029G
143.0 Coach Ranking Points



Hyun-Suk LEE has results as fighter: View fighter profile

Top 10 Coaching Results

1998 World Cup, Sindelfingen bronze 3. HSU, Feng-Chih male -70 senior coach
1998 World Cup, Sindelfingen bronze 3. KAO, Ming-Chien male -76 senior coach
2002 Military World Championships, Fort Hood, Texas gold 1. BARTLETT, David male -67 senior coach
1998 World Cup, Sindelfingen PAR WU, Yung-Hui male -83 senior coach
1998 World Cup, Sindelfingen PAR CHIANG, Hsiao-Chih male -50 senior coach
1998 World Cup, Sindelfingen PAR HSIU, Huang-Chih male -58 senior coach
1998 World Cup, Sindelfingen PAR WU, Hung-Hsiang male +83 senior coach
1998 World Cup, Sindelfingen PAR CHEN, Yi-Jen male -54 senior coach
1998 World Cup, Sindelfingen PAR CHIANG, Chun-Hao male -64 senior coach
2002 Military World Championships, Fort Hood, Texas bronze 3. NELSON, Paul male -84 senior coach

Medal count

gold silver bronze PAR
World Cup 2 6 8
Military World Championships 1 1 4 6


1998 World Cup Sindelfingen Germany Germany Show details
2002 Military World Championships Fort Hood, Texas United States of America United States of America Show details

All Coaching Results


World Cup, Sindelfingen, Germany Germany coaching points
bronze 3. HSU, Feng-Chih male senior -70 coach 26.00
bronze 3. KAO, Ming-Chien male senior -76 coach 26.00
PAR HSIU, Huang-Chih male senior -58 coach 10.00
PAR CHEN, Yi-Jen male senior -54 coach 7.00
PAR WU, Yung-Hui male senior -83 coach 13.00
PAR CHIANG, Chun-Hao male senior -64 coach 7.00
PAR CHIANG, Hsiao-Chih male senior -50 coach 10.00
PAR WU, Hung-Hsiang male senior +83 coach 10.00


Military World Championships, Fort Hood, Texas, United States of America United States of America coaching points
gold 1. BARTLETT, David male senior -67 coach 19.00
bronze 3. NELSON, Paul male senior -84 coach 5.00
PAR TSCHAMPL, Mark male senior +84 coach 2.00
PAR BEHRNDT, Simon male senior -62 coach 2.00
PAR TORRES jun., Luis male senior -72 coach 4.00
PAR UTTER, Jay male senior -78 coach 2.00

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