Jose Luis

born on 31.07.1981, Mexico
TaekwondoData Person-ID: 10189N




  • 36 registered fights, fighter won 25 out of them. That's a rate of 69.4%
  • 139 hitpoints distributed and 95 collected during fights.
  • Won 1 golden point(s) and lost 0.
  • Participated at 18 tournaments, 18 with international and 0 with national valuation.

* These data may not be used to assessing an athlete, as the level of the tournament (national / international, etc.) is not considered. Calculated on the basis of all available data.


Career Ranking

livetime ranking of all international fighters
Jose Luis is on place 648 with 308 points.

Saison Ranking

Ranking calculated: 31.08.2024 23:55:26

Categorie Weightclass Ranking Points
senior male -74 0.003
senior male -80 0.004
senior male -87 0.003

Medal count

gold silver bronze PAR
World Championships 1 5 6
World Cup 1 1
Continental Tournaments 2 1 2 5
Open Tournaments 3 1 2 6


Results international

result year tournament city weight category
bronze 3. 1999 Mexico Open Mexico City -72 senior international 3.00 0
bronze 3. 2001 World Championships Jeju -72 senior international 30.00 15
gold 1. 2002 Belgian Open Lommel -72 senior international 7.00 0
PAR 2002 World Cup Tokio -72 senior international 7.00 0
gold 1. 2002 Pan American Championships Quito -72 senior international 30.00 3
silver 2. 2003 Pan Am Games Santo Domingo -80 senior international 20.00 0
PAR 2003 World Championships Garmisch-Partenkirchen -72 senior international 10.00 15
bronze 3. 2004 Dutch Open Eindhoven -72 senior international 3.00 0
gold 1. 2004 Pan American Championships Santo Domingo -72 senior international 30.00 12
gold 1. 2005 Dutch Open Eindhoven -72 senior international 7.00 0
PAR 2005 World Championships Madrid -72 senior international 10.00 10
PAR 2007 World Championships Peking -78 senior international 10.00 5
bronze 3. 2007 Pan Am Games Rio de Janeiro -80 senior international 10.00 6
silver 2. 2008 Dutch Open Eindhoven -72 senior international 5.00 0
PAR 2009 World Championships Kopenhagen -80 senior international 10.00 15
gold 1. 2010 Spanish Open Alicante -80 senior international 7.00 0
bronze 3. 2010 Pan American Championships Monterrey -80 senior international 10.00 3
PAR 2011 World Championships Gyeongju -80 senior international 10.00 5

Rivals and results

Rivals and results international

winner points looser


World Championships, Jeju
-72 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
DIAZ GONZALEZ, German (coach)
YOUN, In-Bang (Headcoach)
1/16-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 5 : 4 MORIAH, Nir
1/08-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 3 : 0 AL-AJMI, Safar Mohammed
1/04-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 6 : 3 VITANEN, Joni
1/02-Finale LOPEZ, Steven 4 : 1 RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis


Belgian Open, Lommel
-72 senior
1/01-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis unknown KEPPELER, Roman
World Cup, Tokio
-72 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
BANG, Young-In (coach)
CORTAZAR, Edgar (Assistantcoach)
1/16-Finale ABDELMONEIM, Tamer 6 : 3 RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis
Pan American Championships, Quito
-72 senior
1/01-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis unknown LEBREUX, Jean-Francois


Pan Am Games , Santo Domingo
-80 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
BANG, Young-In (Headcoach)
1/01-Finale LOPEZ, Steven unknown RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis
World Championships, Garmisch-Partenkirchen
-72 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
ALVAREZ, Julio (Headcoach)
CORTAZAR, Edgar (coach)
1/32-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis unknown BENGOURION, Madanga
1/16-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 8 : 4 ANASTASIOU, Andreas
1/08-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 6 : 4 YERDEN, Yesbol
1/04-Finale SAEI BONEHKOHAL, Hadi 7 : 4 RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis


Pan American Championships, Santo Domingo
-72 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
FARGAS, Ireno (Headcoach)
ONOFRE, Jose Luis (coach)
1/08-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 6 : 1 FREDES MEZA, Luis
1/04-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 6 : 1 ROJAS ALVARADO, Pedro
1/02-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 7 : 1 COSTA, Carlos
1/01-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 12 : 3 SEBASTIAN,


Dutch Open, Eindhoven
-72 senior
1/01-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis unknown ROESEN, Jesper
World Championships, Madrid
-72 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
FARGAS, Ireno (Headcoach)
SALAZAR MOLINA, Reynaldo (coach)
1/32-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 7 : 1 AHMADOV, Anar
1/16-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 9 : 6 MOLLET, Tommy
1/08-Finale MARTINEZ, Daniel 4 : 3 RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis


World Championships, Peking
-78 senior
1/16-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 7 : 6 THORLEIFSSON, Björn
1/08-Finale BIBAK ASL, Mehdi 6 : 2 RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis
Pan Am Games , Rio de Janeiro
-80 senior
1/08-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 2 : 1 MICHAUD, Sebastien
1/04-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 3 : 1 SANCHEZ, Juan Arnaldo
1/02-Finale MATOS FUENTES, Angel Valodia 3 : 1 RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis


Dutch Open, Eindhoven
-72 senior
1/02-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 7 : 0 HAMMER, Jan Petter
1/01-Finale BIJELIC, Bojan 6 : 2 RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis


World Championships, Kopenhagen
-80 senior
1/32-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 11 : 2 KIKIMA, Fanfan Yogote
1/16-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 3 : 2 KARLSEN, Anders
1/08-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 3 : 2 CISSE, Oumar
1/04-Finale GARCIA HEMME, Nicolas 4 : 1 RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis


Spanish Open, Alicante
-80 senior
1/01-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis unknown SIKIC, Filip
Pan American Championships, Monterrey
-80 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
BANG, Young-In (Headcoach)
1/04-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 1 : 0 CRISMANICH, Sebastian
1/02-Finale VASQUEZ CARVAJAL, Carlos 6 : 2 RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis


World Championships, Gyeongju
-80 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
BANG, Young-In (coach)
DIAZ GONZALEZ, German (Assistantcoach)
ONOFRE, Jose Luis (Headcoach)
BANG, Young-Sun (Assistantcoach)
GONZALEZ RAMIREZ, Marina (Assistantcoach)
1/32-Finale RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis 6 : 0 ABDURAIM, Rasul
1/16-Finale CRISMANICH, Sebastian 7 : 2 RAMIREZ MONROY, Jose Luis

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