Yolanda Maria

born on 28.05.1985, Guatemala
TaekwondoData Person-ID: 8805S




  • 17 registered fights, fighter won 5 out of them. That's a rate of 29.4%
  • 26 hitpoints distributed and 50 collected during fights.
  • Won 0 golden point(s) and lost 0.
  • Participated at 13 tournaments, 13 with international and 0 with national valuation.

* These data may not be used to assessing an athlete, as the level of the tournament (national / international, etc.) is not considered. Calculated on the basis of all available data.


Career Ranking

livetime ranking of all international fighters
Yolanda Maria is on place 2.002 with 129 points.

Saison Ranking

Ranking calculated: 31.08.2024 23:55:26

Yolanda Maria does not have any season ranking points.

Medal count

gold silver bronze PAR
World Championships 1 5 6
World Cup 1 1
Student World Championships 1 1
Continental Tournaments 1 1 1 3
Open Tournaments 1 1 2


Results international

result year tournament city weight category
bronze 3. 2000 World Championships Killarney -42 youth international 15.00 4
silver 2. 2001 US Open Las Vegas -47 senior international 5.00 0
PAR 2001 World Cup Ho Chi Minh City -47 senior international 7.00 0
gold 1. 2001 Pan American Championships Vina del Mare -44 youth international 15.00 2
PAR 2001 World Championships Jeju -47 senior international 10.00 0
PAR 2002 World Championships Heraklion -44 youth international 5.00 0
silver 2. 2002 Pan American Championships Quito -47 senior international 20.00 0
bronze 3. 2003 US Open Las Vegas -49 youth international 1.50 0
PAR 2003 World Championships Garmisch-Partenkirchen -47 senior international 10.00 5
PAR 2004 Pan American Championships Santo Domingo -51 senior international 6.00 0
PAR 2005 World Championships Madrid -51 senior international 10.00 0
PAR 2006 Student World Championships Valencia -51 senior international 2.00 1
PAR 2007 World Championships Peking -51 senior international 10.00 0

Rivals and results

Rivals and results international

winner points looser


World Championships, Killarney
-42 youth
1/16-Finale CASTANEDA, Yolanda Maria unknown KONTZATHANASI, Eleni
1/08-Finale CASTANEDA, Yolanda Maria unknown McDONALD, Claire
1/02-Finale KIM, Hyo-Min unknown CASTANEDA, Yolanda Maria


US Open, Las Vegas
-47 senior
1/02-Finale WEGNER, Michaela unknown CASTANEDA, Yolanda Maria
1/01-Finale CRAVENS, Heather unknown CASTANEDA, Yolanda Maria
World Cup, Ho Chi Minh City
-47 senior
1/16-Finale ROSSA, Juliana 11 : 6 CASTANEDA, Yolanda Maria
Pan American Championships, Vina del Mare
-44 youth
1/01-Finale CASTANEDA, Yolanda Maria unknown BLANCATE, Jessica
World Championships, Jeju
-47 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
ALONSO RIOS, Angel (Headcoach)
1/16-Finale POE, Kay 9 : 2 CASTANEDA, Yolanda Maria


World Championships, Heraklion
-44 youth
1/08-Finale FOMENKO, Viktoria 7 : 4 CASTANEDA, Yolanda Maria
Pan American Championships, Quito
-47 senior
1/01-Finale POE, Kay unknown CASTANEDA, Yolanda Maria


World Championships, Garmisch-Partenkirchen
-47 senior
Trainer / Coaches:
ALONSO RIOS, Angel (Headcoach)
1/16-Finale CASTANEDA, Yolanda Maria 4 : 2 ODGAARD, Tina
1/08-Finale WANG, Ying 4 : 3 CASTANEDA, Yolanda Maria


Pan American Championships, Santo Domingo
-51 senior
1/08-Finale CONDIE, Shannon 3 : 0 CASTANEDA, Yolanda Maria


World Championships, Madrid
-51 senior
1/32-Finale CONTRERAS LOYOLA, Yeny 8 : 1 CASTANEDA, Yolanda Maria


Student World Championships, Valencia
-51 senior
1/08-Finale CASTANEDA, Yolanda Maria 1 : 0 TANACKOVIC, Tanja
1/04-Finale YAMAJI, Ai 2 : 1 CASTANEDA, Yolanda Maria


World Championships, Peking
-51 senior
1/32-Finale DeVITO, Simone 4 : 4 CASTANEDA, Yolanda Maria

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